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Life Assurance

At O’Sullivan Insurances we can help you decide which kind of policy will work best for you, and we’re here to talk you through your choices.

At O’Sullivan Insurances we have a team of qualified life assurance advisers; our goal is to help our customers choose the product that best fits their needs from a wide range of life assurance companies.

What kind of Life Insurance policy do you need?

We all have different needs when it comes to life insurance. We can help you choose the right plan to suit your needs.

  • protect your family if you die or become seriously ill.
  • pay off your mortgage if you die or become seriously ill.
  • protect your business.
  • protect your loved ones from a large inheritance tax bill.

Whether you’re looking for protection for your family, or cover for your business – we can help you find the right insurance plan.

Life Assurance Products Explained:

Mortgage Protection: This runs side by side with a mortgage, decreasing in value over time, ensuring in the event of death, there will be sufficient money to clear any outstanding mortgage debt

Level Term Assurance: The value of cover stays the same for the full term and in the event of the death, the full amount insured initially will be paid out.

Convertible Term Assurance: Similar to level term, this includes the option of continuing the policy at the end of the term without having to provide additional medical evidence.

Whole of Life Cover: The most flexible way to arrange life cover as there is no policy term and the policy continues until the death benefit is paid.

If you would like to discuss life assurance with one of our specialised financial advisors please request a call back or contact us on 052 6121644.

O’Sullivan Insurances, 39 Mitchell Street, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.